By France-biotech (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Cell Division

The cell cycle is an ordered set of events, resulting in cell growth and division into two daughter cells.

  1. In multicellular organisms individual cells grow and then divide via a process called mitosis
  2. Organisms begin as a single cell (fertilized egg) that divides successively to produce many cells
  3. Meiosis is a special type of cell division necessary for sexual reproduction in eukaryotes.
  4. The number of chromosomes pairs in the cell is reduced to half the original number, typically from two sets (diploid) to one set (haploid).
  5. In humans the cells produced by meiosis are the gametes (egg and sperm cells).

Homework, Key Vocabulary and Graphic Organizer

Class Notes

Class and Lab Work

Extra Work

  • Winter Break: The extraordinary story of Henrietta Lacks. Though she died of cervical cancer in 1951, she unknowingly held the key to unlocking medical advancements (from polio vaccines to chemotherapy drugs) in her tumor cells. For this assignment you will listen to a segment of a Radio Lab episode on tumors and answer two writing prompts.

Honors Bio

Blue Team

Extra Help

I am available for extra help most days:

  • Before school from 7:00 to 7:20 AM
  • During the day when I am free
  • After school until 3:00 PM.

Please check with me if you plan on staying after to make sure I don't have a meeting or other obligation. Faculty meetings are usually Wednesday after school.

You can email questions at any time:

You should not expect an immediate answer after 10 PM or while I am teaching.