Male Agama sinaita, Jordan. This species is common in deserts around the shores of the Red Sea. While in heat, the male turns striking blue to attract females.

Sheltered Biology

Prerequisite: One year of high school science

This course is designed for ELL students to enable development of English language skills through Biology content. It explores biological principles. The course examines: ecology, cell biology, genetics, evolution, microorganisms, plants, vertebrates, and invertebrates. Students’ understanding of biology is fostered through laboratory investigations, problem solving, and critical thinking activities. As a result of this course, students explore and explain concepts of biology and its related applications.


The term biology is derived from the Greek word bios, meaning "life" and the suffix -logia, meaning "study of." The term first appeared in 1736 when Linnaeus used "biologi" in his Bibliotheca botanica.

Sheltered Biology

Extra Help

I am available for extra help most days:

  • Before school from 7:00 to 7:20 AM
  • During the day when I am free
  • After school until 3:00 PM.

Please check with me if you plan on staying after to make sure I don't have a meeting or other obligation. Faculty meetings are usually Wednesday after school.

You can email questions at any time:

You should not expect an immediate answer after 10 PM or while I am teaching.